PEP Solar Phenomenal Installer By Generac Celebrating 65 Years

Owning vs Leasing: The Case for Solar Ownership

The Case for Solar Ownership

Why Buy Panels vs Lease?

Let’s say you’re homeowner looking for ways to cut down utility costs, and you looked into leasing solar panels. You’ve probably heard this pitch: With leasing or a power purchase agreement (PPA), there’s no need to worry about purchase, installation costs, and you don’t even have to be responsible for maintenance. This sales pitch can be really enticing vs solar ownership.

However, while leasing can save you from upfront costs, there are other ways of owning solar panels without draining your wallet upon installation.

The Case for Solar Ownership

Purchasing your own solar panel system requires heavy decision-making, as opposed to leasing, which is considered less convenient. But in the long run, ownership is more rewarding. There are many ways to finance your first solar panel system.

In Arizona for example, there are financial incentives for renewable energy ownership. You can also work with banks and lenders to finance your panels.

But the single best, most convenient way to own solar panels is to work directly with solar installers and contractors.
Own Your Solar. PEP Solar offers 0% to install your solar panels on approved credit. Call us for a free demonstration. 623-806-8806

Financial Benefits of Solar Ownership


Solar ownership lets you maximize long-term financial benefits. Cash rebates and incentives from federal and state policies can drastically reduce the total cost of your solar panel system. Leasing and PPA disqualify you from these programs. The Federal Solar Tax Credit (ITC) and Arizona’s Solar Equipment Sales Tax Exemption are programs based on purchasing your own solar panels.


If you’re looking for ways to increase your property value, solar ownership is your best option. Leased panels can discourage potential buyers because they would have to assume the lease if you don’t buy it off. This is one of the reasons why leased panels are not considered as assets when you’re about to sell your property. Purchased solar panel systems pay for themselves in 7 years based on usage, while leased panels are usually owned by the provider for up to 20 years. Pep Solar is the exclusive residential dealer of Solar Frontier, one of the most innovative brands in the industry. The Solar Frontier SF175-S employs the HJT solar panels technology, which has everything you need to maximize your solar potential.

Owning Solar Panels vs. Leasing: At a Glance



  • Qualify for tax credits & incentives programs
  • Increase your property value
  • Save up more in the long term
  • The system pays for itself in 7 years


  • No benefits from tax credits & incentives
  • Discourages potential home buyers
  • Save much less in the long term
  • Lease terms lasts up to 20 years

We want to make it easy for you to invest in a cleaner, greener future. With PEP Solar, you can maximize the financial benefits of solar energy. Every project is handled with Pride, Excellence, and Performance.


Solar energy is a long-term investment for everyone. Support the future of energy.



Want to lower your utility bills? Save up by harnessing the power of the sun. PEP Solar offers 0% on solar installations upon approved credit.

Talk to us, and we’ll give you a free demonstration.

Contact us today: (623) 264-6888 or fill out the following form for more info.

2025 W Deer Valley Rd | Suite 104
Phoenix, AZ 85027

Call 1-623-264-6888


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