PEP Solar Phenomenal Installer By Tesla Energy

Solar PV Systems in Arizona & Texas

Save on Energy with Our Efficient, Cost-effective Solar Solutions

What is Solar PV System?

A solar photovoltaic (PV) system uses unique panels to make electricity from sunlight. These PV solar systems are usually placed on a roof or in a sunny garden. PV solar power systems are connected to the electrical things in a building. The electricity they make is changed from one kind (DC) to another (AC) to be used in the building.

A complete, building-integrated photovoltaic solar electric system is available for concrete, tile, asphalt, flat roof membranes, and metal rooftops. We install solar PV power systems on and off the roof, as PEP Solar has done since 1978.

Solar PV System 1

Best Solar Company in Texas & Arizona

Best Available Warranties
in the Industry

40 Year Solar Panel Warranty icon

40 Year Solar Panel Warranty

*on select products

40 Year Inverter Warranty icon

40 Year Inverter Warranty

*on select products

40 Year Roof Warranty icon

40 Year Roof Warranty

*3 in from each point
*on select products
40 Year Labor Full Service Warranty Icon

40 Year Labor Full Service Warranty

*on select products

40 Year Install Warranty icon

40 Year Install Warranty

*on select products

Contact Us Today for a Consultation

Why Customers Choose Us?

Solar PV System 2

How does a Solar PV System work?

To grow your business with PV solar power systems, you must understand how they work. Solar panels are like magic machines that turn sunlight into electricity! Here’s how it happens:


When sunlight shines on the panels, a unique material inside them called a semiconductor (like silicon) absorbs some of the light.

Elctricity Creation:

This absorbed light turns into energy, which knocks loose some tiny particles called electrons from the semiconductor material.

Electric Charge

These loose electrons create an electric charge. This charge flows through the panels as an electric current, which we call direct current (DC).

Capturing the Current

The wiring inside the panels captures this electric current, so you have electricity ready to power your business. Solar PV panel mounting systems help you to get eco-friendly energy.

Energy Costs are Continuously on the Rise

Harnessing Arizona’s Abundant Sunshine

With 310 days of sunshine, we sure are blessed with the opportunity to unleash all that power. We hear it on the street from our Canadian friends and snowbirds, ‘I can’t wait to buy my home in Arizona to get solar. Wow, there is so much sun here!’
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Leveraging Solar Power for Financial Freedom

It is essential for those wanting to reduce their monthly recurring energy expenses, even living on a fixed income. Solar PV system installation for your home is the best way to increase equity when you own your system. Save with Arizona’s most excellent resource – The Sun – A Power Giver.

The Economic Imperative of Solar Energy

It becomes so automatic that you can pull the utility bill and fill out another check. How much do you pay for your comfort? For many, their energy costs are the second largest monthly expense to their home mortgage, and we forget how much yearly it adds up.

With APS, SRP, TEP, and the other Arizona & Texas utility companies asking for up to 12% increases each year, it’s no wonder electricity is so expensive for us.

Combatting Rising Energy Costs

If your 401k, annuities, and bank savings cannot maintain those increases, you miss out on significant savings – when you ‘Own Your Solar.’ Now imagine increasing your ability to have a return on investment of up to 9% for 25 years with production guarantees.

It is like a time machine; this is the same method if you could buy fuel in 1999 at seventy-eight cents a gallon for the rest of your life. Even the airlines use this time block purchasing method. It’s the single reason people are switching to solar energy.

The Timeless Investment of Solar

People who know Financial Inflation Abatement, Equity increases, and Savings Accumulate as much as 125% Return On Investment.

3rd Generation Panels Are Here


Accreditations and Affiliations

Contact PEP Solar About Solar PV Systems Today!

Efficient, affordable, and virtually maintenance free, PEP Solar has many solar products to offer. PEP Solar has been servicing, repairing, and installing solar since 1978.

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