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5 Ways Solar Positively Impacts the Environment

A mother and father show their toddler the new solar panels on their home installed by PepSolar

Environmental Impacts Of Solar Energy

In just about every conversation about the benefits of solar panels, reduced energy costs get plenty of attention – but what about the environmental impact of solar energy?

There are many reasons to make the switch to solar, and your motivations might run the gamut from lowering your electricity bills to breaking free from the grid. But the benefits of solar energy to the environment are just as compelling, maybe even more so.

Particularly here in Arizona, where a significant portion of the energy is generated from sources such as coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants, solar panels can be an excellent way to contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. And what better place to get solar panels than the U.S. state where the sun shines more than 300 days out of the year?

If you’re considering solar panels for your home or business, PEP Solar is more than happy to help you make a confident and informed decision. Today, we’re covering one of the questions we receive on a constant basis: how does solar energy affect the environment?

How Do Solar Panels Help the Environment?

Most people are well-aware that solar panels are an environmentally-conscious energy option, especially compared to other, more traditional sources. But exactly how do solar panels help the environment? Let’s look at five eco-friendly advantages that can have a big impact on our planet.

1. Solar energy is a 100% renewable energy source.

Fossil fuels are non-renewable, meaning they are going to eventually run out. In contrast, solar energy comes from the rays of the sun, which are free and in plentiful supply. As a renewable energy source, solar power replenishes itself every day that the sun rises and shines!

Rather than the costly and destructive processes used to extract an increasingly-depleted supply of coal and natural gas, we can instead move towards a future where we can rely on an exceptionally consistent and abundant source of energy: the sun

2. Using solar energy to make electricity produces no harmful pollutants.

Before solar solutions existed, our options were primarily limited to fossil fuels. Extremely expensive to obtain, fossil fuels like coal and natural gas require an extraction process that is damaging to the environment in many ways. And when it comes time to generate electricity, production involves burning fossil fuels – which emits a multitude of harmful air pollutants and carbon dioxide.

But with solar energy, there are no pollutants or carbon dioxide emissions to worry about. Studies have found that, if we can continue to expand solar power use, there will be a dramatic reduction in nitrous oxides, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter emissions. As a result, there will be fewer cases of respiratory and cardiovascular health problems. So, both the environment and public health get a beneficial boost.

3. Solar energy directly decreases greenhouse gas emissions.

When fossil fuels are burned, greenhouse gases are produced and emitted into our atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are a key contributor to climate change, which is already impacting public health, natural disasters, and many other aspects of our lives. Rising global temperatures are affecting every corner of the globe, creating a situation that is becoming increasingly serious.

So, when a potential customer asks us, “are solar panels good for the environment?”, our answer is an emphatic yes. When just a single home installs solar panels, the impact is astounding: over the lifetime of the solar panel system, it equates to planting about 150 trees every single year.

4. Solar energy reduces water pollution.

Did you know that going solar can help keep our water cleaner? While it’s true that all manufacturing processes require water, some need far less than others. In total, the amount of water that is needed to produce solar panels and generate solar energy is only a fraction of those used by traditional energy sources (coal, natural gas, and nuclear energy).

There’s also virtually no risk posed to water resources in terms of pollution, accidental or otherwise. We’ve all heard stories of oil spills that destroy entire ecosystems, but solar energy simply does not come with the same hazards.

5. Increased awareness about solar energy can spur major progress.

Many people first hear about solar power from a friend or family member, and even the simplest conversations can be a catalyst for change. If you choose to go solar, your decision can have a positive ripple effect – whether or not you realize it! If even one neighbor drives by your home and notices that you installed solar panels, which eventually leads to them making the switch themselves, you’ve done more than your part for the planet.

Learn More about the Benefits of Solar from PEP Solar

Weighing your options when it comes to solar energy? No matter how you look at it, there are so many advantages to solar – both for you and our environment.

For more information about why solar can be the right move for your home or business, contact PEP Solar today!

Image Source: anatoliy_gleb / Shutterstock